Sunday, August 7, 2016

Shiver me Timbers

There be Pirates Looming on the Horizon

(Cover art by Roy Mauritsen - all rights reserved)

Well, what do you think of this little beauty? Your very own sneak peek of the preliminary cover for the next installment from the Heroes in Hell shared universe of Janet Morris.
Pirates in Hell

To be sure, this treasure trove of an anthology will be jam packed full of booty that'll get your heart pumping, and your gangplanks a quivering.

And while you won't need a map, you'll still have to wait until this Fall to get your hands on it, so stay tuned for more details...they'll be coming thick and fast.

Pirates in Hell
In this case - all that glitters is literary gold

1 comment:

  1. I've already ordered asbestos gloves so I can turn the pages...
